
We connect digital startups with a large number of SMEs, mid-sized companies, corporations, universities and investors. Are you interested in getting to know the startups from our accelerator or actively helping to realise their ideas? Then contact us today, we will be happy to help you!


We connect digital startups with a large number of SMEs, mid-sized companies, corporations, universities and investors. Are you interested in getting to know the startups from ouraAccelerator or actively helping to realise their ideas? Then contact us today, we will be happy to help you!

Was wir unseren Aktionären bieten


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"I am a passionate entrepreneur and founded my own company in the federal city of Bonn. I can therefore very well understand the challenges but also the unique opportunities that start-ups in Bonn face. As a board member and founder of HW Partners AG, Scopevisio AG and DevelopVisio GmbH, I wholeheartedly support start-ups and their fascinating ideas, and have done so since the birth of DIGITALHUB.DE. I am proud of everything we have achieved in recent years. I look forward to continuing to support start-ups as a visionary in the realisation of their innovations and to jointly exploiting the potential of the Bonn region to enter the global market with young companies!"

Dr. Jörg Haas

HW Partners AG, Scopevisio AG, DevelopVisio GmbH
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“Startups have always been and are essential today to innovate and strengthen our economy. Through my participation in DIGITALHUB I not only get to know exciting innovative ideas and start-ups, but I can also financially advance them and invest in them. Especially in jury meetings, there are always many bright people waiting for you who are fun to listen to and support. ”

Christoph Blom

Blom Consulting
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"Als gründergeführtes Techunternehmen in Bonn möchten wir uns in der regionalen Wirtschaft engagieren. In Partnerschaft mit dem Digital Hub können wir Innovation, Unternehmertum und das lokale Netzwerk unterstützen.“

Jobst Eßmeyer

CEO & Gründer cronn GmbH

What we offer our partners


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"The DIGITALHUB is the central contact point for start-ups and digital companies in the entire Bonn region. We have been an enthusiastic cooperation partner for many years. We regularly use the warm and motivating atmosphere in the hub to work creatively on site ourselves. Joint workshops and networking events round off our collaboration. Dear Hub team, it's great to have you! #foreachotherhere"

Kanimoli Pavanandarajah

Sparkasse KölnBonn
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„Als Techniker Krankenkasse sind wir uns bewusst, dass es immer wieder an innovativen Ideen bedarf. Wir interessieren uns besonders für die tollen Lösungen im Bereich der Technik und des Gesundheitswesens und sind jedes Mal aufs Neue positiv überrascht, was sich die Startups des Hubs dazu einfallen lassen.“

Kirsten Bahr

Techniker Krankenkasse
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„Der DigitalHub Bonn ist ein zentraler Hotspot für digitale Geschäftsmodelle. Hier treffen sich Innovationstreiber und Tech-Enthusiasten, um gemeinsam neue Business-Modelle und disruptive Produkte voranzutreiben. Die inspirierende Atmosphäre und die exzellente Ausstattung schaffen ideale Bedingungen für kreative und produktive Arbeit. Besonders hervorzuheben ist der professionelle Support durch das Team vor Ort, das stets bereit ist, wertvollen Service zu bieten.“

Jerome Sprinkmeier

DocEstate GmbH

International stakeholders

Contact persons

Are you also interested in becoming a partner? Feel free to contact us!
National contact person
Sarah Mahlmann | Public Relations
& Content Manager

I look forward to working together to drive forward the start-up ecosystem nationwide and especially in the Bonn region! Through partnerships in particular, we can support great ideas and realise a lot!
National contact person
Sarah Mahlmann | Public Relations
& content manager

I look forward to working together to drive forward the start-up ecosystem nationwide and especially in the Bonn region! Through partnerships in particular, we can support great ideas and realise a lot!