Sarah Mahlmann I 29.05.2024

HubGrade Cyber — connected (,) securely!

Safety first is the word in many of our everyday situations these days. Be it your helmet while riding a bike, a third check to see if the oven is really off, or taking your umbrella with you even when the sun is (still) shining. But in an area where we often travel countless times a day, speed, simplicity and convenience often come before security: the digital world. Read this HubStory to find out how we are helping to make hackers powerless and secure your digital networks with our HubGrade Cyber Accelerator Program!

HubGrade Cyber — innovative with security

The topic of cyber security is still relatively new and yet more than just a nice to have or a topic for IT geniuses. We all rely on new systems and the protection of our data every day. But it is no secret that this often doesn't go completely smoothly. Cyber threats and data protection issues are constantly increasing.

However, because cyber security is such a new topic, there is still a huge need for suitable solutions here. At DIGITALHUB.DE, we promote exactly this: innovative ideas that advance our cybersecurity even further. We support this as part of our accelerator program HubGrade Cyber Start-ups that Cyber security challenges Solve and lead us to a secure digital future. 🙏

Half a year free of charge but not for free!

6 months — this is how long start-ups are supported free of charge during the HubGrade Cyber Program. The Founders have a unique opportunity: They can secure significant financing in the form of convertible loans or direct participation for their start-up. There are up to a whole 100,000 euros Dust off! And it gets even better: After the program is before the first round of financing. We bring start-ups together with business angels and VCs from the region. If suitable, we will jointly broker and invest fairly in the young company, giving it permanent access to important resources As well as supporting money, which pays off well beyond the potential six-figure financing, receives! 🙌

It's obvious that this is already a huge success. But the HubGrade Cyber Program offers much more! We have Three Participants in the 2nd Cyber Security Batch Asked what they thought of the program Liked the most Has:

Jan Stijohann, Cross-country skiing Security Automation GmbH: “The opportunity to interexchange With Advanced Founders From the same sector is very valuable. I have a variety of practical ideas in the areas marketing and Sales You can take it with you!”

What Jan is talking about here makes up a large part of the HubGrade Cyber program: the Founder Circle. There are numerous opportunities to get in touch with successful cyber security founders, learn from their success stories and avoid their missteps. Auch Sales Is a focus of the program. We know that the topic of sales is essential and often difficult to grasp, especially for start-ups. With our experts, founders quickly and effectively obtain the necessary tools to successfully sell their product without a nervous breakdown. 🔝

Martin Seeger, Cybernality “By participating in the Cyber Security Accelerator with regular Feedback rounds Chez Jan Klein We were able to raise our pitch deck to a new level. Die Workshops With successful start-up founders and managers, they have broadened their horizons significantly. I highly recommend DigitalHub's Cyber Security Accelerator!”

We all know it: We often achieve more together! Not just with others Start-up Founders And the Hub team HubGrade Cyber Program Participants can meet regularly, personally and in a relaxed atmosphere in our modern coworking spaces Exchange: Even the Personal mentorship With industry-specific experts, we have a standard that everyone has something of! 💪

Tobias Bümmerstede, TF Industries “Thanks to DigitalHub's cyber security accelerator, we were able to decisively improve our product (Safe Storage) Advance.

The program offered us valuable insights, Support from mentors and coaches as well as important contacts with investors and customers.

An inspiring experience that has significantly shaped our development.”

We know that winning customers is often a major challenge.

That is why we offer our cyber security start-ups important Market access, as to pilot customers for case studies from our wide Partner Network.

Valuable experience can also be gained thanks to our EventsTrade Fairs and Pitch Opportunities Be collected.

There is something for everyone here, from small-group events, such as the DemoDay, up to events with over 2,000 participants, such as STARTUP OPEN AIR.

We provide founders with reach wherever possible! 👋

Let's get it started!

Let's drive the start-up ecosystem and cyber security forward together! But how? It's very simple:

  • If your idea gives you sleepless nights but would protect us all in the cyber world, implement it now with our help: We supporting You with our HubGrade Cyber-Program materially, financially, personally and above all very nice! Apply You here now!
  • If you have other important info As well as Tips If you want to know about cyber security, keep you up to date and be prepared for tomorrow's today, follow our Instagram— and LinkedIn-Account and subscribe to our newsletter HubDate. Here you'll only learn the most important things about cyber security, innovation and the hub, I promise!
  • If you want to get to know the founders of not one but 11 cyber security start-ups in person, this offers STARTUP OPEN AIR The perfect opportunity for you to do so! Here you can meet, among other things

Get it now here Dein ticket!

Stay safe! 🙏