Sarah Mahlmann I 28.06.2024

Why it's not just Beethoven that makes a big difference in Bonn

Big news: Bonn is among the leaders when it comes to start-ups, as well as when it comes to cyber security! In this HubStory, you can find out how the Hub contributes to this and why Bonn is the national and international cybersecurity location! πŸ™‹ ‍ ♀️

What Bonn has to do with Berlin

What connects Bonn and Berlin is above all their status Federal capital. As is the case in Germany, there is also a law on the two: The Bonn/Berlin Act. Since 1994, it has regulated the relocation of the Federal Government and the Bundestag from Bonn to Berlin. This also includes the fact that Bonn still retains important government functions and is enormously important for Germany. In particular, the science And the economy are making great progress through companies, institutions and work in Bonn. Recently, the cornerstones of a Supplementary agreement of the law, which also states the importance of the issue Cyber Security is in focus. So it's even official: the federal government, representatives of the region, the states of NRW and Rhineland-Palatinate agree: Bonn is a top cybersecurity location! πŸ”

What does the whole thing have to do with the hub

Bonn is a true star not only when it comes to cyber security topics, but also when it comes to start-ups. The old federal capital is one of the Top 10 most populous cities in Germany, where most start-ups take place. That also has the WDR local time from Bonnrecognized and the positive news together with our board member Eiko Gerten announced live on television. In an interview, Eiko tells us what the secret of the good conditions in Bonn is. Have a look at this post here From minute 9:40 on. πŸ‘

conclusion: For all topics related to Start-ups & Cyber Security Are you in bonn and in hub at the right address!

People interested in founding and founding entrepreneurs are supported here in a variety of ways: free of charge Accelerator programs, modern Coworking opportunities, exciting Events Like that STARTUP OPEN AIR, a huge network as well as financing from investors of the hub and the hub itself.

Especially in HUBGRADE CYBER program will be indispensable innovations in the brand-new & dedicated to us all relevant areas of cyber security.

Important partners like CONET, Deutsche Telekom Security, Code Intelligence, Heylogin, that BSI, that Cyber and Information Room Command, that Cybersecurity Cluster, DIGITAL.SICHER.NRW, the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, the University of Bonn and many more are working together in and with the Hub to make the digital world secure. πŸ’ͺ


What all this has to do with you

Are you tired of remembering long passwords, afraid of hacker attacks and uncertainty about what actually happens with your data? Neither do we. We therefore need new solutions to these problems. New solutions that come from clever minds and have yet to make their way into the market, but are more than worth it! And that's where you come in: Regardless of whether you're interested in founding a business, a cyber security expert or simply traveling digitally from time to time, Get involved in new ideas and thus contribute to making our data and systems more secure. Look our start-ups and see for yourself. Perhaps you can also think of a security vulnerability for which you have a solution. Then we'll definitely see each other β€” at coworking in the Hub, at our events, or even at our Accelerator program! A secret tip, if not yet known: With STARTUP OPEN AIR Not only do numerous await you startupβ€” and partners-Exhibitors who make you cybersecure, but also live pitches from cyber security startups! πŸ™Œ

How to stay up to date 🚢 ‍ ♀️

As we can see: Bonn, start-ups, cybersecurity and the Hub are very important for all of us and are undergoing many changes that must be followed! We have very simple solutions for this: follow our instagramβ€” and linkedin-Account and subscribe to our newsletter HubDate. Here you'll find out everything you need to know about cyber security, innovation and the hub, I promise! We hear, read and see each other! πŸ˜‡